Things are going pretty well. We have parsnips and a few carrots, squashes, loads and loads of fruit bushes, a flower bed, more gooseberries than we can eat, asparagus, black currants, red currents, white currents, blueberries, josta berries, goji berries (eventually!) onions, sweet potatoes, normal potatoes, swede, herbs, roses, sweetpeas, courgettes (we have millions of these) peas, broad beans, runner beans and weeds.
anyway, here are a few pictures:
You can see our improvised tomato house - they are doing really quite well in there. We also have about 1200000000 marigolds, they are very pretty though so we don't mind.
You might think, well, she's gone mad. Why is she showing us a photo of fat hen. Well, I am not. This, excitingly is a grain called Quinoa. It appears you can grow it in this country with some success. I really wanted to grow a grain that I could actually eat (I am a coeliac and can't eat, well anything wheaty or gluteny) so to be able to grow this well would be a real boon. Its going to be ready in a few weeks so I will keep you posted.
Sweetcorn going well, its just up to my chin. this is a heritage variety called Bi-colour. You can't seed save sweetcorn yourself without a tremendous amount of fuss as sweetcorn is very slutty and spreads itself around.
We have had lots of success with this variety so are looking forward to many juicy cobs by the end of the summer.
These are autumn raspberries, lots and lots of them. They have done far better than the summer fruiting ones which are crap. I can't remember the variety (polka springs to mind) but I am pleased they are doing so well.
We are mulching the bed with lots of home made compost and stuff we can't be bothered to compost. Things like apple cores just get lobbed straight on.
They are vines so we have given them something to climb up and hopefully that will make them happy. Its all a bit of an experiment to be honest so its all very exciting.