Thank goodness for the sunshine (or even for it just not raining all the time). This break in the weather has give us a good chance to crack on with the allotment.
We have now removed the carpets that were smothering the weeds and wow! have they done their job well. We dug out the few remaining persistent bits of bindweed and nettle to revel a lovely, crumbly loam that is heading just towards clay.
The area has now been completely rotivated and well, we think you will be impressed with the results. Lots of lovely, almost weed-free space in which to plant!
Simon has been busy on the hardware front. He has constructed a study tomato house to help protect the growing plants from the wind and help warm them. We also hope that it might protect the plants from blight but we don't hold out too much hope. It will eventually have a lid to cover the structure completely but we've not had chance to get to B&Q to get the wood!
Here you can see the heritage beans (Martocks) and a mystery potato that has appeared in the middle of the path!
Onions - red and white, they are doing really really well!
Peas! Several varieties, all heritage. We are looking forward to seeing these. I LOVE fresh peas, they will be lucky if they make it off the allotment.
ohhhh now, look at this, the first strawberry is beginning to turn. I'd better get the netting sorted out!