Thursday, 23 April 2009

This is my little flower bed at the back of our plot- I am hoping to grow cut flowers from seed to festoon the house in a festive style. At the moment there are just a few tulips coming up but I have lavender, scabious, cornflower, sunflower and cosmos all ready to plant when the nights warm up a bit.

This is the strawberry patch - its been weeded since the picture was taken! There are three varieties in there, I hope that they will give us a succession of fruit throughout the season

Our shed, Simon and his Dad created it from some old pallets and a few fence panels. We have a blackbird nesting in there at the moment which makes things tricky. Its nice though that she feels comfortable though.

Just alongside the shed you see our glut of strawberry plants, our coldframe donated by friends, Simon working away and behind him, our compost bin.

Our whole plot - There is a long way to go but we are getting there.

New Season

Well, spring is well and truly here and Simon and I have been working quite hard on the allotment. I have take a few pictures so you can see the changes since we first started. I had forgotten how bad it actually was just over a year a go and its quite gratifying to see the changes.

On the left there you can see our mixed fruit bed. We have various currants, goosegogs and somewhat counter-intuitive, blackberries. Why blackberries I hear you cry! Well, our patch of Leicestershire is rather exposed and can get very windy. Blackberries grow well on the site so the hope is that eventually, they will form some wind protection.

In the front bed are early spuds, a row of carrots and a row of parsnips and beetroot. The bed behind has a few last parsnips from the previous season, they are still good eating!