Wow, what an
amazing weekend. Simon and I worked really really hard on the lottie. By the time we gave up at 3pm on Sunday afternoon, we had cleared and planted two beds - one with parsnips and leeks, the other with 50 strawberry plants of various varieties. Its looking good - more like an allotment and less like a massive field.
Also stuck a few strawbs in amongst the fruit bed. In theory, by the time the fruit bushes get to be really big in a year or two, the strawberries will no longer be useful. The fleece is doing a fantastic job, the soil underneath it was lovely and moist, unlike the rest of the plot which was worryingly dry. I think water is going to be a huge issue for us. We do have a cunning plan which involves the construction of a wood store, some guttering and a large hosepipe.
Checked the squash plants I left at Mums, they are growing into fine, sturdy little plants. Looking forward to planting those out in the coming weeks.
The next plan is to rotivate the rest of the plot again to try and break up the big chunks of soil that were left by the plough. Then I think we will mark out the remaining beds and then we can plant the rest of the beds. We won't have enough to fill the whole plot but we will be having beans, sweetcorn, tomatos, onions, squashes, pumpkins, beetroot, spinach, parsnips and a flower bed. Only loads of work to do then..